New York City, Borough Park & East New York Fire Protection

Tyco Fire Protection Products

Viking Fire Protection Products

Amerex Fire Extinguishers

Ansul Fire Protection Systems

New York City, Borough Park & East New York Fire Hydrants

New York City, Borough Park & East New York Fire Hydrants
Fire Prevention and Fire Safety in New York City, Borough Park & East New York, New York

Fire hydrants have been in use since the 1700's, they have vastly been improved over the years and now assist modern day firemen to extinguish fires across America. Fire hydrants allow a user access to a water main able to discharge large amounts of water capable of extinguishing a fire quickly.

A fire hydrant is created for local fire departments to have quick access to the City of New York City, Borough Park & East New York's water main pipe. Allowing the fire department to hook up fire hoses to the fire hydrant and distribute water over the fire hazard to extinguish the blaze.

Residential, commercial and industrial building owners may benefit from installing fire hydrants near their buildings. Having an installed fire hydrant close to your building or home may qualify you for additional hazard insurance discounts.

As a building owner you are responsible for keeping up to date with local fire codes, and to install a fire hydrant if required by Federal, State, Municipal or the City of New York City, Borough Park & East New York fire codes. Contact us or your local fire department to see if your building requires a fire hydrant to be installed.

New York City, Borough Park & East New York Fire Hydrant Installations

We design, engineer and install fire hydrants in New York City, Borough Park & East New York County and New York City, Borough Park & East New York. Using licensed fire protection technicians we evaluate our clients needs and design, engineer and install per NFPA standards and codes the fire hydrants required to meet state and city fire and health codes.

We can help you comply with Federal, State, Municipal or the City of New York City, Borough Park & East New York fire codes. Contact us today for en estimate, bid, cost or quote to install a residential, commercial or industrial fire hydrant(s).

New York City, Borough Park & East New York Fire Hydrant Service, Repair and Maintenance

Fire hydrants require annual tests and inspections that must be completed by a licensed fire protection company per NFPA. This annual maintenance keeps the fire hydrant properly operating in case of a fire or emergency.

Many fire hydrants carry warranies, but do not confuse a warranty with required one (1) year annual tests and inspections that must be completed to determine if the fire hydrant is ready for use.

If you have been tagged and have been required to fix, repair, inspect, test or install a new fire hydrant, contact us so that we may assist and help you to comply with fire codes. We will visually, and mechanically inspect, repair and fix any and all seals, gaskets, nuts, o-rings and if needed install a new fire hydrant for your residence, commercial or industrial building.

Fire Sprinklers

Fire Protection Education:

We provide fire extinguisher training for children, adults and employees. Learn how to protect yourself against the dangers of fire by using a fire extinguisher.

Sparky the Fire Dog

Fire Extinguisher Education /
Training and Certificates

We educate children, adults and employees on how to properly use a fire extinguisher in emergencies. Receive a fire extinguisher training certificate upon course completion.


New York City, Borough Park & East New York, NY Fire Protection Services

Fire Sprinklers Fire Extinguishers Fire Alarms Fire Suppression
Fire Hydrants Fire Pumps Emergency Lights Emergency Signs
Fire Codes Fire Safety Fire Prevention NFPA Standards & Codes

Additional information for fire protection systems in New York City, Borough Park & East New York.

New York City, Borough Park & East New York, NY Fire Protection
Fire Protection Fire Sprinklers Fire Extinguishers Fire Alarms Fire Suppression